Bola Optical Test Sets
Bola Optical Test Sets are specifically designed to support user-defined Manufacturing Testing, O-Band, C-Band and 850nm Transceiver Testing with all the necessary Signal Routing, Conditioning, and Measurement.
Bola Optical Test Sets can be integrated with Bola’s own fiber optic switches, VOAs, optical power meters, dynamic optical filter arrays and other user-desired Bola offerings, plus key non-Bola elements, such as couplers, ASE sources, amplifiers, polarization controllers, CWDM de-multiplexers or filters, and more.
Bola Configurable optical test sets offer a more cost-effective, higher performance, higher reliability, and easily scalable option to home-built test platforms.
Sources: Tunable, Fixed, ASE
Routing: Switching, Mux/Demux
Conditioning: Filtering, Amplification, Attenuation, Polarization, Mux/Demux
Measuring: OSNR, Optical Power, Eye Diagram, BER